Podcast Interview with Author Magazine Online

Heidi Ruby Miller and I had a lot of fun in this chatty and informative 1/2 hour podcast interview for Author Magazine about our non-fiction book for authors, Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction. The interview was conducted by Jeff Ayers, who also interviewed us for The Big Thrill journal last month. [Cross-posted from the Social Network]

Fortune Cookie: A Parable

The waiter brought us our check on a little silver tray, bowing while politely setting it beside my plate. Atop the scribbled paper were two fortune cookies, wrapped in wax paper, which suggested they were homemade. "Oooh," Paul said from across the table, reaching out. I playfully slapped his hand away. "I already told you, Paul. Dinner's on me." He kept his hand wavering in the air. "That doesn't mean you get all the cookies." He went for the tray again. I moved it out of his reach -- which was fairly easy because he was sloshed on pear wine.…

Many Genres authors at Confluence 2011

Speculative fiction authors from our writing guide, Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction, were all over the place at the Confluence sf/f/h convention this weekend. Coeditor Heidi Ruby Miller and I hosted a 'literary beer' talk about the book that was a highlight, among other things. Here are some photos from the book signing event. In the photos, the MGOC writers are the ones wearing the buttons: Heidi Ruby Miller, Jason Jack Miller, Lawrence Connolly, Diane Turnshek, and myself. (Timons Esaias was there too but eluded my camera.)

Confluence 2011

Various photos I took at Pittsburgh's annual science fiction, fantasy and horror convention, Confluence, this past weekend. I'll post shots of the 'many genres' book signing at the con in the next post. See if you can figure out which one is the wax figure. Otherwise, you'll see: Lawrence Connolly, Chris Ferrier, Ann Kopchik, William H. Keith, Eric Beebe, Paul Anderson, KT Pinto, Chris Pisano, John Alfred Taylor, Mary Turzillo, Brea Ludwigson, Robert J. Sawyer, the Alpha gang.