Mandalas of Many Genres #SHUWPF @KaleidaCam #iphoneography

Tonight at 7-9pm at Seton Hill U, we're hosting a large book signing for published alums, faculty and students from our Writing Popular Fiction MFA program.  One highlight is the massive instructional guide, MANY GENRES, ONE CRAFT: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction, which I co-edited and contributed several articles to. Here's the press release, if you'd like to drop by and get a copy signed by many of its 60 contributors. I also recently downloaded the KaleidaCam app for my phone...and given the book's title, I thought it would be fun to test it out on the book cover.  Here…

Great shot of some of the Writing Popular Fiction faculty at Seton Hill University #SHUWPF

I adore this shot, featuring some (half?) of the great faculty who teach learning modules, run workshops and mentor grad student novel theses in our Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill U.  Click on their names to learn a little more about their writing.  Almost all of these folks also appear in Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction (and will be at the huge book signing this Friday on the Seton Hill campus, to the public, so come on by!) L to R back:  WH Horner, Anne Harris, Leslie Guccione, Maria Snyder, Lee McClain, Lucy…

The #SHUWPF alumni writer’s retreat begins. Photos from Seton Hill U.

See the full gallery on Posterous While the MFA students are all taking classes for their residency in our Writing Popular Fiction program, alums and graduates from the program return to the campus at Seton Hill University each June to run their own continuing workshop series.  Today they descended on campus...they're an awesome, lively bunch -- here are a few shots from their arrival. Their "In Your Write Mind" workshop is an annual treat.  This Friday they're co-hosting the launch party for Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction, a book that features instructional advice on the craft…

Many Genres Book Signing Friday 6/23 7-9pm at Seton Hill U.

The new instructional guide for writers that I co-edited, Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction will have a massive book signing at Seton Hill University -- a great opportunity for people in the area to not only buy the book, but get it signed by the many contributors in attendance. The launch will be part of a wine reception and book signing by Writing Popular Fiction alumni at the college. The event runs this Friday (6/23) from 7-9pm in the McKenna Center (look for the gymnasium) on the Seton Hill University campus on the hilltop in Greensburg,…