Kurt Newton reads “The 39 Steps” – audio from the Sea of Alone book launch at 2011 Stoker Weekend

[audio:KurtNewton-The39Steps-SeaOfAloneLaunch-NYJune2011.mp3|titles=KurtNewton-The39Steps-SeaOfAloneLaunch-NYJune2011] Kurt Newton reads his poem, "The 39 Steps," at the book launch event for A Sea of Alone: Poems for Alfred Hitchcock (Ed. Christopher Conlon, Dark Scribe Press, June 2011).  Recorded live at the 2011 Stoker Weekend in NY on June 18th.  Watch Dark Scribe for news about ordering this excellent anthology.

My last batch of photos from the HWA’s 2011 Stoker Award Weekend are now online #stokers #horror #writers

The final batch of photos from the 2011 Bram Stoker Award weekend and Awards Banquet have been posted in the gallery on my website.  Go check them all out at: http://gorelets.com/gallery/events/Stokers11/ I'm getting ready to teach in the weeklong residency of our Writing Popular Fiction program, but will try to write up something resembling a con report soon.  Watch the gorelets weblog for updates.

Photos from book launch for A Sea of Alone from the #stokers

Here's a great group shot from Vince Liaguno's photos from the book launch for A Sea of Alone: Poems for Alfred Hitchcock (ed. Christopher Conlon, Dark Scribe Press).  Drop by the event gallery at gorelets.com for the whole set. I'll be uploading more photos from the 2011 Stoker Weekend as they come in (and as I offload from my camera). Details at gorelets.com Pictured here:  L to R back:  Michael Calvillo, Kurt Newton, Christopher Conlon, Norman Prentiss, Michael ArnzenL to R front: Lisa Morton, Martel Sardina, Marge Simon