Posted inAmbulations
Posted inArnzen News
Signing in Uniondale, NY, tomorrow. Here’s my schedule for the #stokers :
New Yorkers, come to the big book signing on Thursday Night in Uniondale, at the Marriot across from Nassau Colliseum. This story from Newsday gives you plenty of reasons! Here's my schedule for the 2011 Stoker Weekend. And here's the program plan for the whole shebang. I'll probably be posting things here throughout the event. There will be a live videostream of the banquet and award ceremony on Saturday night, circa 9pm on ustream. With Jeff Strand as emcee, you know it's going to be fun.
Posted inSnippets of the Strange
Stephen King Poem with Guitar Solos
Some ideas are so crazy they just might work. Such potential here in this video. If only the voice had an effects pedal on it!
Posted inAmbulations
Tortured Frownie
Seen in King's restaurant after brunch today. (What's a Frownie? See the FAQ.)
Posted inSnippets of the Strange
Amityville House Real Estate Story (last May)
Follow-up: the famous house in Amityville I mentioned last post went on the market last year (May 2010), and the story was covered by Newsday and BBC. See...even the UNreal estate market took a hit!