Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers (29)

+ Write a paragraph for each tick of the clock during a countdown to an execution or bomb blast. + Steal the title of a computer game at random ("Angry Birds", "Fallout", "Civilization V") and use it for the title of a horror/crime/science fiction story that has nothing whatsoever to do with the game's premise. + Begin a story in the chapel of a hospital. *** Review the entire "Instigation" department for more prompts. You can share your writing here on The Goreletter by clicking on the 'comment' link.


Ichor. You want it to taste like liquor, but it doesn't. It's just icky. Pronouncing the term aloud is enough to make most people reach for some hand sanitizer and drink a glop of that instead. It's a weird word, so it's no surprise that you'll stumble over it in horror stories everywhere. "Ichor" is used quite a bit by HP Lovecraft and others of his ilk to describe oozy things like the slime that dribbles from the dread nostrils of the Great Old Ones (especially that nasular monstrosity known only as "Achoolu"). It's a fun word to say, since…

Upcoming Arnzen Events – October 2010

Halloween encroacheth, so I'm climbing out from under my writer's rock to make a few spot appearances on the dark side: I'll be reading at the Morgantown Poets night (they have a facebook group) on Thursday, Oct 21st, 7pm-8pm. If you're in the West Virginia area, come on by the Monongalia Arts Center, 107 High Street, in Morgantown, WV (located next to the Hotel Morgan) and be horrified. Directions and contact info available on I'm also going to be featured in the Snark Infested Waters radio program in October, discussing tracks they'll be streaming from my audio CD, Audiovile!…

Legends of the Mountain State

Woodland Press is NOW SHIPPING the latest volume (#4) in the LEGENDS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATE ghost tale series. Featuring transformations of "Appalachian myths, ghost tales and folklore" derived from West Virginian lore, this book is sure to be a gem, with stories by Gary Braunbeck, Brian Hatcher, Steve Rasnic Tem, Elizabeth Massie, Lisa Morton, and a raft of other horror greats. My story involves a ghost child at the end of Childer's Road... I'll say no more than that. Order the book directly from the publisher for $18.95 to get it as soon as it's release in mid October,…

Now on Flickr

I've been feeling artsy this summer. Indulge me. I have begun taking strange photographs of things like abandoned hospitals, so I thought I'd join flickr to have a place to put these. Come warm the place up with a comment or something. You can also see some of my latest weird drawings -- like the piece below, entitled "Shark Starvation" -- at the gallery.