Appearances in September 2008

Sept 26th, 3-5pm | "The Business & Life of Writing Horror" Panel | 010 Page Hall, Ohio State University | Columbus, OH Authors Lawrence C. Connolly, Lucy A. Snyder, Gary A. Braunbeck, and Michael A. Arnzen will discuss making a living at writing, with a book signing to follow. This program is free and open to the public. Parking is available at the Ohio Union garage next to Page Hall. A podcastwill likely be available online after the event. Sept 26-28 | Context-21 | Columbus, OH I'll be running a workshop on flash fiction writing (sorry, seats are sold out),…

Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers (27)

+ Write a poem that draws language directly from all the song titles from a death metal music album. (Here's a list of some at the Cannibal Corpse fan site). + Craft a story around a doctor, dentist, or other health worker who secretly uses one of the job's instruments for his or her own unhealthy pleasure. (Here's a list of health care jobs from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics) + Describe a mass hallucination in a surreal and dreamy manner, using first person plural ("we"). (Here's some historical inspiration from the Skeptical Inquirer). *** Review the entire "Instigation"…

"Terror is as much a part of the concept of truth as runniness is of the concept of jam. We wouldn't like jam if it didn't, by its very nature, ooze. We wouldn't like truth if it wasn't sticky, if, from time to time, it didn't ooze blood." -- Jean Baudrillard (died 2007)

The Truth about Oozing

Book of Lists Bonus: “The Hands of Horror”

THE BOOK OF LISTS: HORROR (edited by by Amy Wallace, Del Howison and Scott Bradley for Harper Paperbacks) is hitting the bookshelves across the country this week. It's a knockout collection of lists both quirky and informative, about all things horror, featuring an amazing roster of horror authors and filmmakers -- from Stephen King to Eli Roth -- between its covers. You won't want to miss it...and you can order it now from My contribution to the book is an annotated list of "The Top Five Horror Colleges" -- something you'd never find in the US News & World…