Screamin’ in the Rain

Screamin’ in the Rain

I am proud to report the publication of some of my film studies research at What Sleeps Beneath -- a fantastic horror film-focused journal that not only features some brilliant current film reviews and interesting thinkpieces on the genre, but also recently won the annual "Best Blog" award from Pittsburgh City Paper. Right on. My contribution is called "Screamin’ in the Rain: The Orchestration of Catharsis in William Castle’s The Tingler" and in it I compare Castle's over-the-top screamer of horror to one of the most heart-moving movie musicals ever made, Gene Kelly's Singin in the Rain. What's that? What…
Horror Interviews on The Book Case podcast

Horror Interviews on The Book Case podcast

If you're not listening to The Book Case with Kate & Charlie Gibson (of Good Morning America fame) then you're missing out on some great conversations about not only today's bestselling books, but also about the horror genre itself. Kate is a lively interviewer and such an intelligent reader -- and lately has been having a blast trying to get her father Charlie to read and enjoy and understand the horror genre in his retirement, as together they read current books and talk about them with their guest authors. They also routinely interview people in the book business and include…

Exploring Dark Short Fiction Series 2019

Smartly edited by Eric J. Guignard and gorgeously illustrated by Michelle Prebich, these books are an excellent way to get to know (or if you already know them, then to better understand) the pre-eminent writers of SHORT STORIES in the horror genre. They feature five-to-six selected stories that represent their strengths, each including an academic commentary that I provide (along with a longer essay I contribute on why that author matters in the grander scheme of things). It's a fantastic series of "primers" and serves an important function to the genre, as so many of the authors are celebrated for…