The Dream People Hand You a Cookie

The latest issue of the bizarro journal, The Dream People, includes my story, "The Fortune Cookie," excerpted from The Gorelets Omnibus. You may have seen this before, but go check out The Dream People anyway, because it's got some good features this issue, including a focus on my Master's thesis advisor from way back when, the inimitable Lance Olsen (who I recently learned won a Guggenheim Fellowship...way to go, Lance!).

Magazine of Bizarro Fiction

Just learned that issue #4 of The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction is now being mailed (early birds can order it now from This special "Werewolves and Shapeshifters" issue was edited by John Skipp, and includes the first appearance of the piece I read at last year's Bizarro Day event at Backlist Bookstore, called "Endless Shrimp." Other great writers, including Jeremy Robert Johnson, Nicole Cushing, Robert Devereaux, D. Harlan Wilson, and Cody Coodfellow, also appear within. These are all some of the smartest and weirdest writers I know, so this is sure to be a great volume. p.s. Speaking of…

“Dear Santa”: The Lost 1989 Manuscript

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Against my better judgment, for a gift I give you this Christmas story -- "Dear Santa" -- a long lost manuscript of the very first horror story I ever sold (to GAS magazine in 1989), but which ultimately never saw print. On the one hand, this is old and amateur enough to be most embarrassing. On the other hand, I think I've made a career of embarrassing myself. Enjoy? "Dear Santa" - a lost 1989 manuscript by Michael Arnzen (If you cannot read the above, see if you can click on the "view fullscreen" link at the top…

Attack of the Bleu Man Group – Exclusive Halloween Audio Story

ATTACK OF THE BLEU MAN GROUP by Michael A. Arnzen (3.33 mins) [audio:Michael%20A.%20Arnzen_Gorelets.com_1_Bleu%20Man%20Group.mp3] DOWNLOAD .mp3 (3.4 mb) Happy Halloween! For a surprise treat this year, I am releasing a new humorous zombie story, exclusively in audio format, called "Attack of the Bleu Man Group." It's a wacky musical number, as much as a bizarro fiction reading, in the style of Audiovile. Without giving too much away, I'll just say two things about it: 1) yes, I meant to spell it "bleu," and, 2) "zombie mimes in black berets"!  Just crank up your speakers and press the red play button above.…