A note of thanks to all who pre-ordered my next book — and a glimpse at the jacket…

Just a quick note of thanks to all who pre-ordered The Gorelets Omnibus directly from the publisher. Soon you'll have a smooth clean first-on-the-block book in your hands along with a collectible all-original poem on fancy paper for your kindness.  Oh, and lots of embarrassingly outrageous exclamations in public when you're not otherwise dry heaving.  Enjoy! I think this weekend was the deadline to pre-order, but so long as those buttons on their website allow you to preorder, you still might qualify for the free extra during the grace period if you're quick.  If you didn't preorder, don't be shy: …

Jumping the Zombie Shark!

I saw this (Zombie Sudoku) in a bookstore today.  Had to take a photograph and share with you all.  Sorry it's so blurry.  I was crying a tear for my genre. But really, I should have seen this coming when "hard" sudoku became superceded by "evil" sudoku in many puzzle books.  While technically, "satanic sudoku" should have come next, it was only a matter of time before "zombie sudoku" took the place of that. But I think it would have been much more challenging to release "parasitic sudoku" or maybe "bacterial infection sudoku" instead.  Or maybe just "leech sudoku".  Yeah,…