5.02 Contest Winners Announced

"He has his mother's eye(s), and his father's teeth." -- Dean M. Watts "I'm James Newman, and I endorsed this message. Paid for by The Union of Concerned Ophthalmologists." -- Jason Jack Miller Congratulations Dean and Jason! You've both won free copies of the Exquisite Corpse DVD for entering the photo caption contest from the latest issue of The Goreletter! (Other entrants can be found on the Arnzen myspace page). And many thanks again to James Newman (and family) for sharing that bloody wonderful photo (itself a prize-winner last Halloween!) Subscribers to the e-mail edition are eligible for contest prizes…

Halloween Costume Contest Winner Announced

The winner of the Goreletter's "Virtual Halloween Costume Contest" is author JAMES NEWMAN for his creepy family portrait. I actually adored ALL the entries...so why did James win? Ultimately, it came down to the scenario of the photo. I liked the vampiric relationship implied by the couple, but it was the "eyeball with fangs" child that did it for me... it looks like something out of one of those Robt. Williams art pieces...and how can the kid breath inside that mask? FREAKY! James wins a limited edition hardcover of my new book, PROVERBS FOR MONSTERS, as soon as I receive…

Special Holiday Edition!

Happy Holidays! I wanted to surprise everyone by packing extra horrors into this special issue of The Goreletter, so I invited friends from several writing communities to send in "holiday gorelets" for publication here, with a prize going to what I judged to be the best submission. Not an easy task! Most are about Santa and Xmas. I did not reject any of the entries -- to my way of thinking, the more the merrier. I'll post the award winning poem at the very end, along with a little explanation why I chose it. Enjoy. And do yourself a favor…