Happy New Year 2011!

As I work on the next issue of The Goreletter, I thought I'd post a little New Year's round up of recent activity and news of some exciting things to spill soon out of the cracks in the Arnzen brainbox. Earlier today, I uploaded scans of a few rare broadsides from days of yore to the new "Arnzen Manuscripts and Rarities" collection on Scribd.com. I thought fans of my book, Proverbs for Monsters, might like to get a peek at the history behind some of the stories. (Dark Regions Press is selling Proverbs for Monsters at a nice discount right…

Talk About Writing

A few bits of "writer"-related news to note: I'll be returning as a guest lecturer at the Odyssey Fantasy Writing Workshop next Summer (applications for early admission due Jan 30th!). The kind folks at Odyssey just interviewed me for their blog, too, where I talk about how I persisted in the early years of my career, and where I share some advice for writers of genre fiction. [I'll also be returning to teach at the Alpha Workshops for Young SF/F/H Writers next summer, as well!] A shorter interview is attached to a brief 5-Star Review of my short story "Spring…

The Writer’s Workshop of Horror

I'm pleased to appear in this brand new book of advice for those who want to improve their horror fiction, called order The Writer's Workshop of Horror (ed. Michael Knost, Woodland Press, Aug 2009). It's focused exclusively and deeply on the craft of scary storytelling, with a stellar line-up of contributors that include the likes of Clive Barker, Joe Lansdale, F. Paul Wilson, Ramsey Campbell, Brian Keene, Elizabeth Massie, and too many more to list:  from grand masters to rising stars, the book is a treasury of wisdom you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere.  If the (also fantastic) Horror…

Book of Lists Bonus: “The Hands of Horror”

THE BOOK OF LISTS: HORROR (edited by by Amy Wallace, Del Howison and Scott Bradley for Harper Paperbacks) is hitting the bookshelves across the country this week. It's a knockout collection of lists both quirky and informative, about all things horror, featuring an amazing roster of horror authors and filmmakers -- from Stephen King to Eli Roth -- between its covers. You won't want to miss it...and you can order it now from amazon.com. My contribution to the book is an annotated list of "The Top Five Horror Colleges" -- something you'd never find in the US News & World…

Enter the FearZone

Fearzone.com is running several features on my writing this week: a meaty FICTION EXCERPT from my new novelette from Bad Moon Books, called The Bitchfight; a celebratory REVIEW of that book (which calls it "an enormously entertaining modern tale of terror perhaps destined to become a future classic."; and finally, a fun INTERVIEW with me conducted by the inimitable horror humorist, Jeff Strand FearZone is really shaping up to be one of the best horror genre news sites out there, updated with new reviews, interviews, blog features and news items on a daily basis. Instead of eschewing film for a…