The Resolution

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Above you have The Resolution -- selected as the "Best Storyline" in the writing contest featured in the latest issue of The Goreletter. Kudos to my "co-authors": Gary Blankenship, Mike Brendan, AK Drees, Brian J. Harrold, Dale Herring & Terrie Leigh Relf, along with Matt Duvall and Steph Ellis, all of whom made this a lot of fun. This story started with the opening sentence, offered online as an Instigation "prompt" for a New Year's Eve writing contest ... and authors "replied" to it using tweets and AuthorBee functions to build a narrative that went in many…

Fear the Abyss…and the Scary Tiny Citybots!

Just posted the above video review of a few funky science fictional things I've been up to lately: including a teeny tiny ebook device for microfiction, a new experimental (and free!) short-short anthology (#Citybots) and the awesome Fear the Abyss anthology from Post Mortem Press.

Congratulations to the Microhorror Contest Winners

If my book, 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, left you hungry for more and more sick flash fiction, then you might want to check out, to get your quick fix of terror. A few weeks ago I guest-judged (along with Nathan Rosen and Oonah Joslin) a writing contest they held on the site for short-short horror stories related to the common theme of "art." It generated a huge response, and I read a lot of very sick stories that made it a difficult process to select the very best. My hat's off to the winners: Caelin Beaty (for "Chiseled"),…

The Freaksicord

Many see the Freaksicord as if it were a mirage when they first encounter it. It stands -- astonishingly -- like a walking stomach. Only as an afterthought does one notice the head, which dangles somewhere down below. Its head is so heavy with teeth, the neck can not bear its weight, and the head sometimes swings on its stalk like a pendulum between the beast’s stocky legs. Many presume that they might die between those muscular jaws, but what they don’t realize is that the neck, wings and head together function like a lever, lifting pray up into the…