Reader’s Guide to 100 Jolts

Because my flash fiction collection, 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, was getting some attention from creative writing teachers -- and because I know some folks were teaching selected excerpts to various classes -- my publisher and I thought it might be worthwhile to produce a free teacher's guide/reader's guide to accompany it. I finished writing the guide this summer and you can now download it free as an .rtf file (MS Word ~500k) or .pdf file (Adobe ~100k) If you're a teacher or someone who's running a lecture on the craft of horror fiction, you might find it useful, whether…

Special Holiday Edition!

Happy Holidays! I wanted to surprise everyone by packing extra horrors into this special issue of The Goreletter, so I invited friends from several writing communities to send in "holiday gorelets" for publication here, with a prize going to what I judged to be the best submission. Not an easy task! Most are about Santa and Xmas. I did not reject any of the entries -- to my way of thinking, the more the merrier. I'll post the award winning poem at the very end, along with a little explanation why I chose it. Enjoy. And do yourself a favor…