Playful Dead – New Tumblr Blog

Just a quickie note to say that to celebrate this month's release of Play Dead in paperback from Raw Dog Screaming Press, I have launched PLAYFUL DEAD -- a new blog on the website dedicated to sharing images and links related to the "playful" side of the horror genre: interactive games, dark tarot, twisted playing cards, and more. I consider Playful Dead to be the equivalent of the "Online Gizmo of the Month" department of this weblog, so if you've found yourself looking for those, head over to the new tumblr page. Visit If tumblr isn't your thing,…

Scary Movies (and More) by my Horror Writing Students (Spring 2013)

Since January, I have had the great fortune of teaching a 15 week course in Horror & Suspense Writing at Seton Hill University. As their final project, the students were asked to create a multimedia story. I am happy to share the great results below! Tyler Carter, "The Lost Man" (short film) Sarah Lago, "Eradicate" (short film) Sara Tantlinger, "When the Sky Turns Red" (short film) Michael Ingram, "Grave" (short film) Calvin Yoder, "Stuck" (short film) Jeannie Bujdos, "Germs" (short film) Jessica Walker, "Indulgence" (short film) Ashley Samek, "An Unexpected Guest" (short film) Brendan Monahan, "Sea of Bones" (short film)…

Crosswords of Death

666 Across: 4-letter word for nerd. I'm just kidding... I'm only an occasional puzzler, but I fully approve of The Grid Reaper. Spotted it at Barnes and Noble the other day and felt it was required to take a snap shot, because I am compelled to catch publishers trying to cash in on goth and horror conventions that have absolutely nothing to do with the content of their books (such as Zombie Sudoku). But this one is actually legit. Its author, NY Times puzzle consructor David Kahn, thematizes the puzzles he writes for the NY Times and elsewhere in the…

The Freaksicord

Many see the Freaksicord as if it were a mirage when they first encounter it. It stands -- astonishingly -- like a walking stomach. Only as an afterthought does one notice the head, which dangles somewhere down below. Its head is so heavy with teeth, the neck can not bear its weight, and the head sometimes swings on its stalk like a pendulum between the beast’s stocky legs. Many presume that they might die between those muscular jaws, but what they don’t realize is that the neck, wings and head together function like a lever, lifting pray up into the…