My website at is finally restored…and a smidge improved. Perhaps even jaunty.

Back online at Drop by anytime. You'll be fine. It's really all better now and no longer contagious.  A sneaky piece of malware had climbed under the blanket of my website, slipping inside the code of my online gallery, and it spread like mating bedbugs. The malware would use my site to ping off russian spambots behind the scenes and replicate whenever a visitor hit a page on the site.  But I've burned the mattress and it's all back up now, squeaky clean. Past visitors should be fine; the malware really didn't do any harm to them.  But you…

Jim Henson and Monstrosity

Liked today's google doodle for Jim Henson's 75th Birthday. It made me start thinking about just how bizarre Sesame Street (let alone The Muppet Show) really was. Also reminded me that I once wrote an alternative muppet piece in a (way) back issue of The Goreletter: if you missed it, check out "Grim Henzen Productions". p.s. The interactive logos are the best. I learned you can make the word 'google' eat itself in today's doodle... I also made the bald man's glasses spin off, but I have no idea how I did that.