2010 Halloween Haiku Contest Winners

The 2010 Halloween Haiku Caption Contest was difficult to judge, and all the entries were fantastic. Thank you for captioning all those weird art pieces!  We'll do it again sometime. It was difficult to pick one, but to me the clear winner is FJ Bergmann (fibitz.com), for penning a gross little number inspired by the art piece, "Fountain of Worm." Bergmann's haiku has dynamic action, impending doom, good reference to the image, and great language use, all telling a unique story in just 17 syllables!: FOUNTAIN OF WORM quivering with need undulating, gorged with blood the gut villi wait --…

Halloween Episode of Horrors at Crimewav.com

There's a bonus treat wiggling around in the filthy bottom of your Halloween candy sack....some hot brass! Crimewav.com -- an excellent podcast of noir crime fiction -- is featuring three of my music-enhanced horror stories in a special Halloween Episode of Horrors in a surprise Halloween release tonight.  It's a great way to get a free sampler from my cd,  Audiovile, and you can also hear the new track, "Attack of the Bleu Man Group," if you didn't check it out on gorelets.com earlier this week.  Check it out, and sample some of the other writers on the site, or…

Behind the Halloween Fire

Happy Halloween! Here's a treat: "Behind the Halloween Fire": original widescreen desktop wallpaper art available at the Arnzen Flickr Gallery, or click on the image above and then save to your computer. Don't forget: the Halloween Haiku Contest ends tonight (Oct 31st, 2010) at Midnight eastern.  Enter a haiku caption to one of the images in my "Scrawl" gallery for your chance to win a free copy of the new Richard Matheson tribute anthology, He Is Legend (which includes my story, "She Screech Like Me"), along with a surprise treat.  Be sure to read the haiku there for some fun…

Halloween Haiku Contest 2010

[Note: this contest is now closed to entries (though comments on the gallery are always welcomed, poetic or not). Winner announced soon. -MAA]. This one's easy. Post a haiku poem related to one of the artpieces on my gallery. Just enter it in the "comments" field, along with your byline (name) and e-mail address. This will automatically publish the poem. All adult language will be censored, so please don't use any -- suggest and evoke, instead. Entries are due by Halloween (Oct 31st) at Midnight. Arbitrary rule: I expect your haiku to be 3 lines long, in a 5-7-5 syllable…

Attack of the Bleu Man Group – Exclusive Halloween Audio Story

ATTACK OF THE BLEU MAN GROUP by Michael A. Arnzen (3.33 mins) [audio:Michael%20A.%20Arnzen_Gorelets.com_1_Bleu%20Man%20Group.mp3] DOWNLOAD .mp3 (3.4 mb) Happy Halloween! For a surprise treat this year, I am releasing a new humorous zombie story, exclusively in audio format, called "Attack of the Bleu Man Group." It's a wacky musical number, as much as a bizarro fiction reading, in the style of Audiovile. Without giving too much away, I'll just say two things about it: 1) yes, I meant to spell it "bleu," and, 2) "zombie mimes in black berets"!  Just crank up your speakers and press the red play button above.…