Dexter Early Cuts: All in the Family

Kudos to Showtime for releasing animated tales from the Dexter universe between seasons. Here's a link to the Dexter: Early Cuts cartoon series on youtube (with voiceover by Michael C. Hall himself). All the Dexter webisodes are also available on the Showtime website. Here's the first chapter of "All in the Family": I've become quite smitten with the Dexter series of late, and have been rewatching the entire series, sharing my thoughts on Twitter as #DexterNotes. Also available here at in The Nest.

Dexter Notes

I've been a longtime fan of the Dexter series on Showtime, and a new season (#7) is going to begin in about a month. I unfortunately don't subscribe to Showtime, having caught it through Netflix and Amazon Video on Demand in the past. But last month I picked up the entire run of the whole series (when I spotted it as a blu ray deal of the week on Amazon) and have begun watching it all over again, deliberately, studying this serial killer series for whatever new observations I can make the second time around and to uncover any lessons…

Every Horror Writer’s Nightmare

This image from Futurama (found on the wonderful cracks me up, but it also encapsulates every horror writer's dilemma: escaping the conventions and the dominant trappings of the genre. This is one of the reasons why I continue to publish the Instigation series of "dark prompts for sicko writers," even if my tongue is sometimes in my cheek. But here's a few for you now, inspired by this comic: + Imagine what lies beyond the side of the frame. What is chasing the creatures? Or where are the characters being chased to? + Take a page from King: Write…

New Art Series Begun: Demons of the Dark

I've begun a new series of original digital art called "Demons of the Dark" on my flickr gallery. Demons of the Dark will be an imaginary bestiary from the shadows of hell.  It kind of scares me. (Even scarier: in the spirit of the original gorelets poetry series, I'm creating these by 'fingerpainting' on my iPhone (using the great ArtStudio app)! Returning visitors to may recall that the site once hosted a gallery of its own (and information about all my books in a bibliography). These elements of the site are being rebuilt from scratch, and are not ready…