Little Things Mean a Lot: Arnzen in Post-Gazette

Kate Luce Angell's wonderful profile on my work, "Little Things Mean a Lot in Writing Horror" was just published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It includes a good photo from my reading at Zombiefest and some great elements of our interview. Excerpt: "I'm interested in potent nuggets of narrative, and horror has always been a shorter genre," he said. "Look at Edgar Allen Poe's stories and poems." The little things also loom large in the subjects of his work, in which he finds the frightening in minutely observed, everyday details, like a janitor's glove (or IS it a glove?) and a…

Stoker Interview and WHC 2007 Report

This year's Bram Stoker Award ceremony was held last weekend in Toronto, concurrent with World Horror Convention. Winners included Stephen King, John Skipp, Lisa Morton, Gary Braunbeck, Jonathan Maberry and Kim Paffenroth. I was on hand to present the poetry award along with Don Hutchison to Bruce Boston for his winning poetry collection, Shades Fantastic. [Ironically, The Horror Channel has just posted a bleary-eyed video interview with me, shortly after I stepped off the stage at the 2006 Bram Stoker Awards in Newark last June, when I won the award for Freakcidents. Good memories!] World Horror Convention itself was a…