Jim Henson and Monstrosity

Liked today's google doodle for Jim Henson's 75th Birthday. It made me start thinking about just how bizarre Sesame Street (let alone The Muppet Show) really was. Also reminded me that I once wrote an alternative muppet piece in a (way) back issue of The Goreletter: if you missed it, check out "Grim Henzen Productions". p.s. The interactive logos are the best. I learned you can make the word 'google' eat itself in today's doodle... I also made the bald man's glasses spin off, but I have no idea how I did that.

Alternative Rorschach

Encouraged by early feedback, I'm starting a new digital art series on my flickr gallery called "Alternative Rorschach." Check it out, free associate, and tell me what you see in the comments section on flickr or on facebook. I've only done three "cards" so far; and if feedback keeps coming I will do the entire deck of psychologist inkstains in my own weird way in the weeks to come, so keep coming back (see Rorschach Inkblots page on wikipedia to learn more about the source of this stuff).

Don’t Stop Bleeding

Just a vampire girl Livin' in a zombie world She took the midnight train Goin' anywhere Just a city boy Dead and raised in south Detroit He took a bite of brain Goin' anywhere Find a human in a smoky room The smell of blood and cheap perfume For a lifetime they can share the night It goes on and on and on and on Strangers shuffling Up and down the boulevard Shadows searching In the night Undead people Living just to find emotion Feasting somewhere In the night Slurping hearts till the lust's fulfilled Everybody's out to kill Doin'…

Return of the Son of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Cthulhu the Obscure A Connecticut Devil in King Arthur's Inferno The Golden Bowl of Blood The Isle of Dr. Moreau and Mr. Hyde As I Lay Resurrecting Creature from the Walden Pond Of Mice and Tentacles A Midsummer Night's Scream Jane Weyrewolf Oedipus Rex: The Boy With the X-Ray Eyes Uncle Tom's Cannibal Cabin A Poison Clockwork Orange Rabid Animal Farm Lord of the Giant Flies Clone King Richard the Thirtieth A Morgue of One's Own ** With irreverence for: Quirk Classics. [Update: The literati among you might also appreciate this essay at the 'Jane Austen's World' blog.]

The Haunt’s Horror Arcade

I should be working, but how can I when there are maniac clowns on the loose? The new "MySpace for Horror Fans Only" website, The Haunt, hosts a bounty of online "flash" games you can play online for free in their macabre Arcade section. I'm not too old to admit I thoroughly enjoyed the silly survivalist massacre known as Clown Killer 2.   After a ten minute session, I became the champion player of CK2 with a new high score...which will surely be defeated soon by some John Wayne Gacy wannabe who has more time on his or her plastic-gloved hands. I'm haunting the…