Special NaNoWriMo Offer on Instigation

ALERT, HORROR WRITERS! For the rest of November, you can get my creative writing helper, Instigation: Creative Prompts on the Dark Side at a 50% discount (just $1.99) if you order directly from Mastication Publications. Available only on the Mastication Publications weblog. [Sorry...special offer period has ended. But you can subscribe to the Mastication Pubs newsletter for another opportunity to get Instigation at a discount!]

MORE Twisted Prompts for NaNoWriMo Writers

Last week I posted a batch of creative writing sparks just for novelists to inspire some craziness during the launch of NaNoWriMo ("National Novel Writing Month") Now it's a week later. Many writers have quit. Still others are beginning to lose steam. So I'm offering another batch of Instigation to possibly keep the fires burning weirdly. Remember: finishing is not enough. You have to GO CRAZY! The glee of the twisted is a communicable disease that many readers love to catch. Good luck. ~~~~~~~~~ + Your character is desperate. Literally have them make a sacrifice. To a named deity. Even…

Twisted Prompts for NaNoWriMo Writers

NaNoWriMo -- aka National Novel Writing Month -- launched today (and I have a suspicion that Starbucks' stock will, too)! Since I know that a lot of writers follow this blog, I thought it might be cool if I shared some "Instigation" prompts just for novelists who are speeding through a caffeinated session of binge writing but hitting roadblocks along the way. These prompts are intended to help you get over those hurdles more than just help you get started -- but whatever they do, I hope they instigate you to take your book in a weirder direction than you…