Iambic Pentagrameter – a sicilian quintain

Iambic Pentagrameter we gather up the sacrificial goats twisting heads to face the sky above we snick our razors quick across their throats wringing necks to squeeze out all the blood naked in the mud and incense smoke Update 5.3.15: Jen Barnes of Raw Dog Screaming Press has posted a video of my reading of this visual poem at the Frostburg Center for Creative Writing over on facebook.

the severed hand speaks

when it first crawled the stump stung but it realized somewhere within the ring of bottomless pain at its base that it was feeling and because it was feeling it was thinking if only in that strange way that we all quiver in powerlessness when overcome with agony like a child banished to the corner by a teacher we secretly want to kill and then it realized that it once had a teacher, too -- an instructor of American Sign Language who used to rap its knuckles when it misproduced (which was the teacher's way of saying mispronounced) simple expressions…

Sportuary: Free from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday

What a year! This Thanksgiving, I want to express my gratitude to all the longtime readers and new-found friends who have read my work, attended a reading, come to a booksigning or posted a note online over the past year. You stoke my flames and I really appreciate it. So starting on Thursday, Nov 27th (at Midnight, Pacific time)through Black Friday and ending Cyber Monday on Dec 1st, you can nab a copy of my ebook, Sportuary, absolutely free exclusively on amazon.com. Tell all your friends -- it's a perfect season for sporting with the damned! Just head to my…

AVENGER – my Peter Gabriel-inspired crime poem for 30 Days of the 5-2

AVENGER I know something about opening pimpers and whores I know how to kill quietly and mop up bloody wooden floors I know how to hide body parts behind my cabinets and drawers Clipping the strippers Clipping the strippers of their spinal cord wires Their stunned paralysis inspires Inspires me I like laughing at lap dancers when they're tied to chairs I like listening to harlots when they make their final prayers I like watching while they clutch their throats for air Avenger's happy in the dark Avenger's come Avenger's come to take away your mark, devil's mark devil's mark…