Audiovile & Poedown – Now Streaming in Digital Audio!

I've been busy over the past few months with work for Mastication Publications. Finally, it's time to dish out what's been cooking all this time. A lot of it has been on the AUDIOBOOK front. I'm happy to report that this weekend, you can stream the gore on the new page at bandcamp! Just go to and click around -- you can listen for free a few times, so sample widely. I'll embed some players below so you can get a quick listen. But I hope you'll consider purchasing the full albums, with come with hidden bonus tracks, companion…

Holiday Hugs & Kisses from End of Year Contest Rally!

Happy holiday hugs and kisses! All the New Year's contests have ended now and the grand prize winner is announced below. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED. Subscribe to the Goreletter (free) for future chances to win free books and more! Aside from creeping you out with those uncanny body parts above, the best way I could think of to give you a holiday gift was to run random draw contests to finish out the year! There will be several rotating giveaways, so come back to this page routinely between now and New Year's Eve. For the first Xmas round of…

At the Lindemann ‘Skills in Pills’ Exhibit in Dresden

My wife and I snuck away to Germany early in July to visit with family and old friends, and during our stay, we took a side trip to the former east to spend a few days in the city of Dresden. It's a fantastic city, brimming with festive nightlife partying in the streets of the "neustadt" and overwhelming with architectural beauty and the high life of the "oldstadt." In the midst of it all, I had an unplanned encounter with Till Lindemann. Till is not only the lead singer of the uber-metal group Rammstein, but also the author of On…

Lindemann’s ‘On Quiet Nights’ Released

Till Lindemann -- frontman from the German metal band Rammstein, also releasing a promisingly twisted new solo album this month -- has just published the English translation of his poetry collection, On Quiet Nights (aka In Stillen Nachten), through my favorite indie publisher, Raw Dog Screaming Press. I wrote the forward for this edition of the book, which I had the chance to read in original German as well as English. The poems make for a very unique read. Here's an excerpt from my intro: Poetry is about sound as much as it is about sense. Rammstein reaches a worldwide…

Photos from World Horror Con 2015

I am so glad that I attended the 25th World Horror Convention & 2015 Bram Stoker Awards Banquet in Atlanta, GA, this past weekend. I think I was laughing the whole time, giddy with the good times and gore. It was great to reunite with so many old friends (I actually attended the very first WHC, 25 years ago!), and as usual, made several new buddies, too. There were something like sixteen Seton Hill MFA program students, alums or faculty colleagues in attendance, a barrel of Raw Dog Screaming Press associates, and hundreds of gibbering weirdos, which meant I always…