Instigation Prompts: Scary Politics

In December’s issue of The Goreletter, I posted the following list of story starters for “Scary Politics.” As the primary season is heating up to the boiling point of hellfire, I thought I’d copy it here to the blog, as a reminder that there's no better place for reimagining the world -- and for doing so in horrific ways -- than in the real world of American politics. If you didn’t see this before, it’s because you don’t subscribe to my newsletter. SUBSCRIBE (or fill out the form to update your email address) and you’ll get Instigation fresh off the…

Every Horror Writer’s Nightmare

This image from Futurama (found on the wonderful cracks me up, but it also encapsulates every horror writer's dilemma: escaping the conventions and the dominant trappings of the genre. This is one of the reasons why I continue to publish the Instigation series of "dark prompts for sicko writers," even if my tongue is sometimes in my cheek. But here's a few for you now, inspired by this comic: + Imagine what lies beyond the side of the frame. What is chasing the creatures? Or where are the characters being chased to? + Take a page from King: Write…

Help Rocky Wood — visit the Overlook Connection’s rare Stephen King sale.

Stephen King scholar (and current Horror Writer Association president) Rocky Wood -- who I've corresponded with a few times over the years and finally met face to face at the Stoker Weekend last month -- is selling off items from his substantial King collection to help him pay for medical expenses associated with the onset of Lou Gehrig's Disease.  Rocky's a phenomenally nice man and well-deserving of your support.  If your'e a King fan, help him out by visiting the Overlook Connection -- a great horror/King collector bookstore -- and picking up an item from the list.  Some unexpected rare…