Snapshots of StokerCon 2016

StokerCon 2016 was the inaugural convention sponsored by the Horror Writers Association, highlighting the genre with panel discussions, readings, writing workshops, booksignings and presentations... culminating in the Bram Stoker Award banquet, awarding the genre's top practitioners with the coolest trophy in the world. It was a blast. Lots of great writers were up for and won the trophy, including some of my closest friends in the business from Raw Dog Screaming Press and Seton Hill U's MFA in Writing Popular Fiction. My workshop on "Making the Reader Squirm" went very well, engendering plenty of squirmy moments and good writing by…

Spring 16 Appearances

We're moving into the season for literary conferences and conventions, and it feels like I'm crawling out from under a snow-covered mossy rock, so I thought I'd post a general update on things I'm planning to do after I blink away the sun blindness. Among other things, I'll be a guest at two big cons in the horror genre. The 2016 World Horror Con in Provo, Utah runs April 28th-May 1st, and I'm fortunate to be one of the special guests. This promises to be an intimate con, with a great chance to hang out and chat with writers and…