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New Online Course: Treacherous Settings

"Treacherous Settings": Live Monday, Jan 31st 2022, 8 P.M. EST -- Horror University Online Also Available Asynchronously Following the Event! DESCRIPTION: In space, no one can hear you scream. Here there be monsters. Who’s behind the door? Settings can be as scary and surprisingly deadly as the creatures and killers who populate our books. From craggy caverns to undersea cities, haunted houses to alien landscapes, they can threaten characters with their very lives, and their inherent fear factor always offers a potential stage for delightfully dangerous action, creative conflict, and shocking surprise. In this 2-hour session we'll discover different methods…

Monstrosity by Tim Curran – an Overlooked Gem

Monstrosity by Tim Curran My rating: 4 of 5 stars Review posted originally to goodreads.com I recently taught Tim Curran's MONSTROSITY in a college-level introductory lit course -- literally titled "Monstrosities." The book exhibits Curran's wildly playful imagination when set free and allowed to take inventive extremes. I don't want to spoil any surprises, because this is a book where you begin to turn the pages dying to see what crazy creature will be unleashed next, and whether or not the author will be able to top the one you just read about, with your jaw on the floor. There…

Squirm and Squirm Again: Arnzen Course at Horror University – StokerCon 2017

I'll be returning to the HWA's StokerCon event (this year held on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA) on April 27-30th, 2017... to teach "Making Readers Squirm"! Visit the StokerCon website or see my upcoming event listings for further details. Registration is required; you can get a discount for signing up for multiple courses by luminary writers (like Jack Ketchum, Tim Wagonner, Jonathan Maberry, and many others) throughout the weekend. You can also apply for a "Scholarship from Hell" for a chance to get assistance to attend. Last year's event was the initial StokerCon and it was a riotous…

Arnzen Over Frostburg, Summer 2015

If you are in 150 mile radius of the gentle town of Frostburg, Maryland, consider making the drive to come see me this summer in one of two events sponsored by the downtown Creative Writing Center at Frostburg State University. FIRST UP: MAY 2nd, Coffee with a Writer On May 2nd, 10am, meet me in downtown Frostburg at the FSU Creative Writing Center and join me in the morning for a cuppa joe. (Oh, who are we fooling? I will drink gallon drums of the stuff!). It's a happy little gig they call "Coffee with a Writer" -- an open-to-the-public…

Scary Movies (and More) by my Horror Writing Students (Spring 2013)

Since January, I have had the great fortune of teaching a 15 week course in Horror & Suspense Writing at Seton Hill University. As their final project, the students were asked to create a multimedia story. I am happy to share the great results below! Tyler Carter, "The Lost Man" (short film) Sarah Lago, "Eradicate" (short film) Sara Tantlinger, "When the Sky Turns Red" (short film) Michael Ingram, "Grave" (short film) Calvin Yoder, "Stuck" (short film) Jeannie Bujdos, "Germs" (short film) Jessica Walker, "Indulgence" (short film) Ashley Samek, "An Unexpected Guest" (short film) Brendan Monahan, "Sea of Bones" (short film)…