Upcoming Arnzen Events – October 2010

Halloween encroacheth, so I'm climbing out from under my writer's rock to make a few spot appearances on the dark side: I'll be reading at the Morgantown Poets night (they have a facebook group) on Thursday, Oct 21st, 7pm-8pm. If you're in the West Virginia area, come on by the Monongalia Arts Center, 107 High Street, in Morgantown, WV (located next to the Hotel Morgan) and be horrified. Directions and contact info available on booktour.com I'm also going to be featured in the Snark Infested Waters radio program in October, discussing tracks they'll be streaming from my audio CD, Audiovile!…

Summer Teaching Tour

I apologize for not posting here a lot lately -- I've been very busy teaching this past year, and I'll be busy teaching all over again in the month to come, for a number of genre fiction-focused writing workshops. I'll be running my "Atmosphere in Horror and Fantasy" course in the MFA program in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University next week, followed by a fun guest lecture on "Making the Reader Squirm" at the acclaimed Odyssey Fantasy Writing Workshop the week after that, then running some workshops on writing uncanny scenes at Alpha: The SF/F/H Writing Workshop for…

Book Trailer — The Writer’s Workshop of Horror

I am hearing reports that Writer's Workshop of Horror has already gone into it's 2nd printing. This collection of advice from today's top authors of terror -- from Brian Keene to Joe Lansdale to Michael Laimo to many more -- is a virtual college classroom in a book when it comes to the craft of the crypt. I'm recommending it to all my students in our MFA in Writing Popular Fiction program at SHU. But even if you're not a writer, where else, I ask, can you get such "behind the scenes" insight from your favorite authors? Visit the order…

The Writer’s Workshop of Horror

I'm pleased to appear in this brand new book of advice for those who want to improve their horror fiction, called order The Writer's Workshop of Horror (ed. Michael Knost, Woodland Press, Aug 2009). It's focused exclusively and deeply on the craft of scary storytelling, with a stellar line-up of contributors that include the likes of Clive Barker, Joe Lansdale, F. Paul Wilson, Ramsey Campbell, Brian Keene, Elizabeth Massie, and too many more to list:  from grand masters to rising stars, the book is a treasury of wisdom you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere.  If the (also fantastic) Horror…

Teachers of Terror Take Note

Dissections: The Journal of Contemporary Horror just released their May 2009 special issue on "issues of teaching the horror genre in the classroom."  Sure, I'm in there with a discussion of "learning objectives" in a horror course, but with essays like Doug Ford's "The Sublime Trials of Jack Ketchum: Teaching 'The Girl Next Door' in the Era of Torture P**n" and poems about classic movie actors by Bryan Dietrich, you know you're getting something as fascinating as it is educational.