Filing Jointly — a tax crime poem for 30 Days of The 5-2

Filing Jointly No matter what the Fed says, we always put the tax deadline in the calendar on the 14th so it sounds like a Valentine's Day date to review our year in April. This year is special because I am doing it alone, remembering him, accounting for his actions, and mine, itemizing all the entries. It's an emotional audit. I tear up as I write off the axe I'd hit him with, along with all the other tools I used afterward as "business expenses"; and I smile when I enter the checks I received from his life insurance --…

Shared Psychosis: An Interview with Sara Tantlinger

One of the things I enjoy about National Poetry Writing Month (aka "NaPoWriMo") is Gerald So's "30 Days of the 5-2" Crime Poetry blog tour. He asks poets and readers to contribute something for a calendar day related to his journal of crime poetry. I've participated in the past (and I also published a new piece at the 5-2 just last month for "Pi Day") but this time around I decided to do something different: conduct an interview. As luck would have it, I knew one of the recent contributors to the journal, because she's working with me as a…

AVENGER – my Peter Gabriel-inspired crime poem for 30 Days of the 5-2

AVENGER I know something about opening pimpers and whores I know how to kill quietly and mop up bloody wooden floors I know how to hide body parts behind my cabinets and drawers Clipping the strippers Clipping the strippers of their spinal cord wires Their stunned paralysis inspires Inspires me I like laughing at lap dancers when they're tied to chairs I like listening to harlots when they make their final prayers I like watching while they clutch their throats for air Avenger's happy in the dark Avenger's come Avenger's come to take away your mark, devil's mark devil's mark…

Outlaws At the Treffpunkt: the 5-2 Crime Poetry Weekly

In co-celebration of National Poetry Month with my friends at The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly, I'd like to take a moment to put the spotlight on a writer I am becoming fond of lately. His name is Angel Zapata. He doesn't know I'm doing this. And I don't know Angel at all. I only know him from a few pieces of writing I've seen online. And I think he's doing really interesting work. Angel Zapata strikes me as one of those guys who is writing for the love it. From my review of his website, I can tell that he…