Playful Dead – New Tumblr Blog

Just a quickie note to say that to celebrate this month's release of Play Dead in paperback from Raw Dog Screaming Press, I have launched PLAYFUL DEAD -- a new blog on the website dedicated to sharing images and links related to the "playful" side of the horror genre: interactive games, dark tarot, twisted playing cards, and more. I consider Playful Dead to be the equivalent of the "Online Gizmo of the Month" department of this weblog, so if you've found yourself looking for those, head over to the new tumblr page. Visit If tumblr isn't your thing,…

My Monstrous Lecture on the Horror Genre: “Horror is the Removal of Masks”

I'm presently wrapping up a full semester of teaching Horror Writing to undergrads at Seton Hill University, and we've been having a blast doing all sorts of multimedia work -- especially work using SoundCloud for audio critiques. Along the way, I've been been playing with the site, too, uploading lecture excerpts and strange sound prompts and other weird things. I even recently gave a little presentation about the class experiments for a conference we held on campus called the iTeach gallery. During the term, I discovered the above excerpt (from my article in the wonderful book for dark authors, WRITER'S…

Announcing the Instigation Showcase

Announcing the Instigation Showcase! From now on, anyone who publishes a response to a prompt or is inspired to write something specifically in response to Instigation: Creative Prompts on the Dark Side or the Instigation department on this weblog will be listed on the new Showcase page dedicated to helping broaden your audience. Over the years, I've received numerous emails from writers who produced new work based on the prompts in The Goreletter, and I'm happy to have finally figured out a way to showcase your work. Share your links to work (whether on a blog or in a book)…

Attention Ebook Readers: to Close Shop

If you've been reading my ebooks since the early days (e.g., pre-Kindle), then there's a good chance you got them through -- one of the first successful ebook distributors, known for offering a wide array of genre fiction -- especially individual short stories -- for a very affordable price. You may have already known that they were "bought out" by Barnes and Noble a few years ago, to help support B&N's offerings for the Nook e-reader. Yesterday I was informed that I should backup all my own purchases and get ready for the site to close down. They have…

Dexter Notes

I've been a longtime fan of the Dexter series on Showtime, and a new season (#7) is going to begin in about a month. I unfortunately don't subscribe to Showtime, having caught it through Netflix and Amazon Video on Demand in the past. But last month I picked up the entire run of the whole series (when I spotted it as a blu ray deal of the week on Amazon) and have begun watching it all over again, deliberately, studying this serial killer series for whatever new observations I can make the second time around and to uncover any lessons…