Authors: Dead or Alive

αΩ   Dead or Alive? How many of your authors are dead? Dead: 49 / Alive: 116 / Unknown: 153 / Not a Person: 1 Percent alive: 70.3% xo   The above is a report generated from a neat new analytical script that LibraryThing can do to your home bookshelves, called "Dead or Alive?" I sort of assumed I'd have more dead authors.  Ah well.  Ironically, they listed my own name as "Unknown"...and I found that a little soothing.  Call me anthropomorphic, but I think I'd rather be among those undead than "Not a Person". [Scrolled to the bottom ... They…

A New Blog: “The Popular Uncanny”

I'm building a new weblog here on called THE POPULAR UNCANNY. It's a supplement of sorts for my upcoming non-fiction title from publisher Guide Dog Books by the same name. The book is a critical study of theories of the Uncanny/"das Unheimliche" as they appear in advertising, film, bestsellers, and online. Chapters include examinations of such topics as the icon of the dismembered hand in the history of horror cinema, and a treatment of the advertising world's "Doublemint Twins" as uncanny doppelgangers. (The Popular Uncanny, btw, was originally my doctoral dissertation at the University of Oregon.) While the entries…