Zombie Mall is Selling Audiovile

Zombie Mall is now selling the Audiovile CD on its all-things-undead store! They've got a few sample tracks posted, too, that you might enjoy... Technically, two of the tracks on Audiovile are stories purely concerned with Zombies proper. The rest only feature a zombie percussion player who you can dimly hear in the background, tinkling the triangle and groaning for brains when my cats were out of reach from his chain. The mall loved the CD so much they wrote a happy review of it, too. Learn all about Audiovile in the gorelets bibliography.

Little Things Mean a Lot: Arnzen in Post-Gazette

Kate Luce Angell's wonderful profile on my work, "Little Things Mean a Lot in Writing Horror" was just published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It includes a good photo from my reading at Zombiefest and some great elements of our interview. Excerpt: "I'm interested in potent nuggets of narrative, and horror has always been a shorter genre," he said. "Look at Edgar Allen Poe's stories and poems." The little things also loom large in the subjects of his work, in which he finds the frightening in minutely observed, everyday details, like a janitor's glove (or IS it a glove?) and a…

AUDIOVILE is coming…

I'm thrilled to finally announce that in Spring 2007, Raw Dog Screaming Press will be releasing an audio companion to my book, 100 Jolts, called AUDIOVILE. Above I've posted a mock-up of the fantastic cover art by painter Matt Sesow. And I think it's safe to say: it sounds just like it looks. Audiovile is more than just storytelling. It will be an entertaining compact disc featuring 16 audio performances of horror stories from 100 Jolts and elsewhere. I'm narrating all the tracks, setting them to my own music (with a little help here and there), and mixing in all…