I’ve begun a new series of original digital art called “Demons of the Dark” on my flickr gallery. Demons of the Dark will be an imaginary bestiary from the shadows of hell. It kind of scares me. (Even scarier: in the spirit of the original gorelets poetry series, I’m creating these by ‘fingerpainting’ on my iPhone (using the great ArtStudio app)!
Returning visitors to gorelets.com may recall that the site once hosted a gallery of its own (and information about all my books in a bibliography). These elements of the site are being rebuilt from scratch, and are not ready for formal opening yet. But even though it’s under construction, the gorelets gallery page is available for browsing if you don’t mind tripping over the wet dustcloths at this link: http://gorelets.com/gallery/. Restoring the bibliography right now, however, is my highest priority, and I hope to have a full catalog of my books up soon, which will likely include a way to order signed editions directly from me, for those who collect such things (e.g., the cool kids).
Comments appreciated if you want to give feedback on what you’d like to see on this site.