Early Blurb for Play Dead

Early praise (a book cover "blurb") has come in for my forthcoming novel, Play Dead, from writer Lance Olsen: "PLAY DEAD reads like white lightning. The wonderfully grungy characters and staccato-fast chapters grab you by the face, haul you in, and won't let go, while the richly metaphoric style begs for savoring on every page. Arnzen wears a wry gaming grin even as he reminds us the universe is little more than a horrorshow comprised of pure plain chance. This terrific (in all senses of the word) novel hits the ground running and just won't stop." --Lance Olsen, author of…

"I don't believe in evil, I believe only in horror. In nature there is no evil, only an abundance of horror: the plagues and the blights and the ants and the maggots." -- Isak Dinesen (died 1962)


Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers

+ Give a monster a makeover. + Write a tribute to a serial killer. + Dismember a character from a children's TV show or family film. *** Instigation is a WEEKLY department in Hellnotes newsletter. If you publish something instigated by this department, let me know at arnzen@gorelets.com and I'll mention it in the newsletter!

Reader’s Guide to 100 Jolts

Because my flash fiction collection, 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, was getting some attention from creative writing teachers -- and because I know some folks were teaching selected excerpts to various classes -- my publisher and I thought it might be worthwhile to produce a free teacher's guide/reader's guide to accompany it. I finished writing the guide this summer and you can now download it free as an .rtf file (MS Word ~500k) or .pdf file (Adobe ~100k) If you're a teacher or someone who's running a lecture on the craft of horror fiction, you might find it useful, whether…

To the Book Graveyard

My books, Sportuary and Fluid Mosaic are going out of print on October 1st. Sportuary -- a collection of twisted poems about sports -- is exclusively available in e-book form only. Order direct from CyberPulp Digital for $3.00. Fluid Mosaic is a collection of my best short stories from the 90s.