[The following contest is over — see the winning card / person here.]
I just pulled a random card from a deck of cards. Have a look:
Can you guess which card it is? Respond with a comment on this post, indicating pip (#/face) + suit. (Jokers have been removed).
Guess well. You only get one guess. But several chances to win!
On July 20th, I will reveal a photo with the card above turned-over.
If you guessed the correct suit, you are entered in a random draw for a signed copy of THE BLEU MAN GROUP cd single and a free ebook of Instigation: Creative Prompts on the Dark Side.
If you guessed the right pip (face/number), you are entered in a random draw for a signed FRIDGE OF THE DAMNED poetry magnet kit plus a signed AUDIOVILE cd and Instigation ebook.
If you guessed the exact card, you are entered in a random draw for a SIGNED HARDCOVER copy of PLAY DEAD, a signed copy of the THOU SHALT NOT anthology, a signed/lettered ARNZENSONGS & POEDOWN Double-Live CD and Instigation ebook. If you are the only one to guess the card, you instantly win.
All three winners will receive a Play Dead hat — a collectible “Ace of Spades” black ballcap!
See the latest issue of The Goreletter for other contests related to the paperback release of Play Dead!
I see in my minds eye it IS the 7 of Spades. LOL
seven of hearts thanks you very much
Wow…so random. I’ll be random as well – 7 of diamonds
I’ll give it a shot – 6 of hearts.
It’s the King of Hearts
I’m going with 5 of Spades
How about queen of diamonds.
I’ll go with the 2 of spades
3 of Diamonds. BOOM. *Drops Mic*
Jack of spades.
Six of Clubs
10 of hearts
9 of Clubs
4 of spades.
Jack of Diamonds.
5 of clubs, please!
Too fun of a contest not join in on.
2 of hearts, for no good reason other than it’s the first card I thought of.
Great idea, Mike 🙂
10 of Clubs.
thinking the 3 of Clubs
Ace of hearts
Queen of hearts.
6 of Spades
Comments closed… contest has ended. Winner posted in blog entry to follow.