Happy official Halloween day. I have a lot of work to do this afternoon. But I’m going to personally challenge myself to write at least one horror haiku poem an hour (at minimum) and post it on my twitter page all day long…till midnight.
I’m giving them all a zombie theme, partially inspired by the recent release of the sequel to Ryan Mecum’s great Zombie Haiku book from a few years ago: Dawn of Zombie Haiku and all the great #zombiehaiku he’s been publishing on twitter himself over the past few days.
To read the zombie haiku, you can subscribe to my twitter profile or just run a search on twitter for the hashtag #zombiehaiku. If you’re on twitter, come join the party — Ryan Mecum started it, and it’s open to anyone.
Non-twitter-users can also track updates via The Nest or on michaelarnzen.com
And just for dropping by gorelets.com, here’s an audio treat for you: a zombie poetry excerpt from Audiovile (originally appearing in my chapbook, Rigormarole: Zombie Poetry), from back in 2005-7:
by Michael A. Arnzen (1.41 mins)
DOWNLOAD .mp3(1.58 mb)