FLASH CONTEST: It’s #Haikuween Night on Twitter

[Note: this contest has officially ended. See results at the bottom of this post.] Horror poet Stephanie Wytovich (author of Hysteria and Mourning Jewelry) and I will be live-tweeting horror haiku intermittently on twitter.com throughout Halloween night, from 7pm-11pm eastern. Anyone who retweets one of our poems tagged with #Haikuween (or who posts their own bloody #Haikuween tagged as such) will be entered into a random draw to win the infamous "Poedown" limited lettered CD (in a double-live case, coupled with the Arnzensongs CD). This is a very rare treasure, as only selected backers of the Fridge of the Damned…

The Resolution

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Above you have The Resolution -- selected as the "Best Storyline" in the writing contest featured in the latest issue of The Goreletter. Kudos to my "co-authors": Gary Blankenship, Mike Brendan, AK Drees, Brian J. Harrold, Dale Herring & Terrie Leigh Relf, along with Matt Duvall and Steph Ellis, all of whom made this a lot of fun. This story started with the opening sentence, offered online as an Instigation "prompt" for a New Year's Eve writing contest ... and authors "replied" to it using tweets and AuthorBee functions to build a narrative that went in many…

THE RESOLUTION: A Twitter Story Contest – Sponsored by AuthorBee!

ANNOUNCING A NEW YEAR'S WRITING CONTEST in the Instigation Playground at AuthorBee Deadline for entries is 12/29/13 at Midnight est. WIN AN AMAZON GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM OUR HOST, @AUTHORBEE! Let's write a twisted tale together to ring (or is that "wring"?) in the New Year! The story is called "The Resolution." And it all begins with the following line: You're bound. A TV shows Times Square. "What's your resolution," a man holding a knife asks, "for the afterlife?" Consider yourself "instigated": YOU GO NEXT! You simply need to be a member of twitter to play along (it's free -- check…

Is This Your Card?

Thanks to everyone who entered the Play Dead "Pick a Card" Contest! The rules were simple: guess a card I randomly pulled from the deck. If you guessed the suit or the pip correct, you were entered into a random draw for a chance to win. One lucky person guessed the exact card and won the grand prize! And here are the results... Many congratulations to the following winners! As you can see above, the card drawn was the 6 of clubs. Tracy Mowdy was one of four people who guessed the correct suit, and won the draw for a…

The Play Dead “Pick a Card” Contest!

[The following contest is over -- see the winning card / person here.] I just pulled a random card from a deck of cards. Have a look: Can you guess which card it is? Respond with a comment on this post, indicating pip (#/face) + suit. (Jokers have been removed). Guess well. You only get one guess. But several chances to win! On July 20th, I will reveal a photo with the card above turned-over. If you guessed the correct suit, you are entered in a random draw for a signed copy of THE BLEU MAN GROUP cd single and…