Not Dead Yet: The Listmaniacal Archive

I've gathered all the books I've reviewed in The Goreletter (since 2002) into some fun listmania lists over at, and I'll keep adding titles to them from the "Not Dead Yet" department into the future. I've also been having way too much fun trolling around amazon for weird discoveries, and I have compiled a few other funky lists, like the Goofy Gory Gifts Galore list and other novelty lists. I'm apparently a listmaniac. After many years of neglect, I have updated my author profile on, where you can find more weirdness and links to many of my books…

Subscribe to The Goreletter and Get SPORTUARY Free!

[UPDATE, Oct 2010: THE FREE E-BOOK OFFER DESCRIBED BELOW IS NO LONGER VALID. Please visit for your copy, cheap.] I've just published I'm getting geared up to finish the next e-mail edition of The Goreletter, so I thought I'd post a little incentive for readers to subscribe (free) so they won't miss a beat as this award-winning newsletter launches into its sixth volume of all things weird, wacky, wicked and wobbly. I try to make every issue a combination of original material with "best of blog" excerpts and often include coupons and contests for free swag (or as I…

Zombie Mall Reviews Audiovile

"What can I say? Holy effeing hell this is some brilliant sh*t! ...Audiovile has BITE. It sounds like something you would hear late at night in a darkened coffee shop, with wisps of old coffee wafting to your nose....It has a very unique style, something from a David Lynch film. It’s deep, grabs you by the ears and refuses to let go." -- from Brian Hardin's review of Audiovile at the Zombie Mall! Great review... and Zombie Mall is a great store, too, by the way! Here's a cool offer they gave us for the latest issue of The Goreletter:…

May 2008 Updates

If you haven't heard already, Gauntlet Press is producing HE IS LEGEND, an awesome tribute anthology of short stories and novellas based on the classic fiction of Richard Matheson (author of I Am Legend, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Stir of Echoes, and so much more).  I'm honored to be a part of the fun, with my short piece called "She Screech Like Me" -- a sequel to Matheson's famous story, "Born of Man and Woman."  The line-up for this book includes the first collaboration between Stephen King and his son Joe Hill (riffing on "Duel"), along with Gary Braunbeck, William Nolan, Joe Lansdale, and a host…