Enter the FearZone

Fearzone.com is running several features on my writing this week: a meaty FICTION EXCERPT from my new novelette from Bad Moon Books, called The Bitchfight; a celebratory REVIEW of that book (which calls it "an enormously entertaining modern tale of terror perhaps destined to become a future classic."; and finally, a fun INTERVIEW with me conducted by the inimitable horror humorist, Jeff Strand FearZone is really shaping up to be one of the best horror genre news sites out there, updated with new reviews, interviews, blog features and news items on a daily basis. Instead of eschewing film for a…

Dread Central Digs Audiovile

Author Scott A. Johnson has written a marvelous review of my cd, Audiovile, for Dread Central: For anyone who has ever heard it said that horror is not an art form, Arnzen fires back with the proverbial "up yours," making himself out to be a twisted Ginsberg for the horror fan, Kerouac for the demented, and a Dylan Thomas for those of us with a dark sense of humor. And no, I'm not exaggerating....what you have is something that listeners will be playing for their friends, prefaced by lines like "You have to hear this!" and "This is the weirdest…

Fear Zone on Audiovile

I really enjoyed reading Greg Lamberson's meaty review of my audiobook, Audiovile, which was published last night at the great new horror site, Fear Zone: "16 tracks of brain damaging terror. Stories like "Psycho Hunter," "Stabbing for Dummies," and "Six Short Films About Chauncey the Serial Killer" will have you alternately cackling and gasping. The brilliance of these tales -- amplified by Arnzen's pitch perfect delivery -- is that within the space of a couple of minutes, each one sets a grin on your face, then slaps it off, then kicks you in the groin and leaves you gasping (but…

A Dead Wheelbarrow

Richard Ristow just completed a spectacular literary analysis of a recent "Gorelets" poem, "The Fall Down the Stairs of the House of Usher," on his excellent weblog, Damned Critic. In it, he compares my style in that unpleasant poem to the imagism of writer William Carlos Williams, to show how much WCW has made an impact on free verse poetry. In the process, I think he uncovers some of the secrets behind what makes a "gorelet" poem tick. Amazing! "Arnzen vs. William Carlos Williams" by Richard Ristow In two parts: Part 1 and Part 2 So much depends on a…