Photos from the HUGE #SHUWPF launch party for MANY GENRES and alumni book signing at Seton Hill U

There was a tremendous turnout for the alumni book signing event at Seton Hill University last night, which featured the launch party for Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction with about 30 of the contributors in attendance (sporting buttons so people could locate them and get copies signed). My co-editor, Heidi Ruby Miller, has posted a batch of great shots on her blog, as well. Update, 6.27: The Pittsburgh Tribune Review covered the event. Here's their article about it. 

Great shot of some of the Writing Popular Fiction faculty at Seton Hill University #SHUWPF

I adore this shot, featuring some (half?) of the great faculty who teach learning modules, run workshops and mentor grad student novel theses in our Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill U.  Click on their names to learn a little more about their writing.  Almost all of these folks also appear in Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction (and will be at the huge book signing this Friday on the Seton Hill campus, to the public, so come on by!) L to R back:  WH Horner, Anne Harris, Leslie Guccione, Maria Snyder, Lee McClain, Lucy…