The Freaksicord

Many see the Freaksicord as if it were a mirage when they first encounter it. It stands -- astonishingly -- like a walking stomach. Only as an afterthought does one notice the head, which dangles somewhere down below. Its head is so heavy with teeth, the neck can not bear its weight, and the head sometimes swings on its stalk like a pendulum between the beast’s stocky legs. Many presume that they might die between those muscular jaws, but what they don’t realize is that the neck, wings and head together function like a lever, lifting pray up into the…

New on Pedablogue: QR Codes and my Campus Office Door

Of possible interest to students and teachers: Over on my education-oriented weblog, Pedablogue, I posted a brief description of how I'm planning to use QR Codes to set up office hours this coming Fall at Seton Hill University. Pretty geeky stuff. Locker room pictures on my office door, for the curious: haunting cover photo from Liberal Education magazine's special issue on The Humanities, Winter 2010; portrait of Vincent Price with uncanny double-eyes by Kelly Hutchison; the QR codes mentioned in Pedablogue; the fantastic Einstein-Monroe Optical Illusion by Aude Oliva.

Great shot of some of the Writing Popular Fiction faculty at Seton Hill University #SHUWPF

I adore this shot, featuring some (half?) of the great faculty who teach learning modules, run workshops and mentor grad student novel theses in our Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill U.  Click on their names to learn a little more about their writing.  Almost all of these folks also appear in Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction (and will be at the huge book signing this Friday on the Seton Hill campus, to the public, so come on by!) L to R back:  WH Horner, Anne Harris, Leslie Guccione, Maria Snyder, Lee McClain, Lucy…