My Unheimlich LibraryThing Books

My Library at LibraryThing [NOTE: Those covers above go to with an “associate” link — this was necessary to include the widget with cover graphics. To just visit librarything, not amazon, click here!] What you see above is not a complete bibliography by ANY means. But over the past few years, I have slowly… Continue reading My Unheimlich LibraryThing Books

Irony and The Return of the Repressed

“The unconscious is very serious today — even a little bit sad — because we repress serious things into it: sex, death, libido, desire. But if it were irony and off-handedness which were repressed, what form would the new unconscious take then? It would become ironic; we would have ironic, breezy drives and fantasies, which… Continue reading Irony and The Return of the Repressed