Transhumanism and the Second Uncanny Valley

The above schematic is an extension of the “uncanny valley” theory that futurist Jamais Cascio proposed in 2008: a “second uncanny valley” that occurs after culture moves into “transhuman” territory. I like this because it causes us to rethink the structure of “uncanny valley” theory through — uncannily — its mirror reflection, or double image.… Continue reading Transhumanism and the Second Uncanny Valley

The Vytorin Double: You Are What You Eat and You Eat What You Are

Vytorin is a single pill — a drug that combines two different medicines (Zetia and Zocor) to combat the two kinds of cholesterol (generally called “good” and “bad” cholesterol”) which they identify as coming from two different sources (“food & family”). As Time magazine reports, there may be truth in these claims, and also problems… Continue reading The Vytorin Double: You Are What You Eat and You Eat What You Are